It's not something I ever thought about. When I think charitable giving, I think donating money or used clothing/household items. When I was asked by a close friend to donate one of my art pieces to the organization Green Chimneys, I was flattered and immediately jumped at the offer.
Of my 2012 Hollywood series, featuring Rita Hayworth and Fred Astaire, one (of two) was already sold, leaving one piece of the pairing without a home. The drawing is entitled "You'll Never Get Rich", which is the name of the film that this image was created from. Slightly outside the usual ballet inspiration, this pair of drawings was created specifically for a GlamNatural exhibit in Akron, OH, meant to fit in with the glam/natural theme.
"You'll Never Get Rich" will be auctioned as part of the Green Chimneys 2014 Spring Gala event on May 15, 2014. Click HERE to learn more about the event and the Green Chimneys organization.
You'll Never Get Rich (Rita Hayworth & Fred Astaire);
Hollywood Series, 2012;
pastel on paper
Of my 2012 Hollywood series, featuring Rita Hayworth and Fred Astaire, one (of two) was already sold, leaving one piece of the pairing without a home. The drawing is entitled "You'll Never Get Rich", which is the name of the film that this image was created from. Slightly outside the usual ballet inspiration, this pair of drawings was created specifically for a GlamNatural exhibit in Akron, OH, meant to fit in with the glam/natural theme.
"You'll Never Get Rich" will be auctioned as part of the Green Chimneys 2014 Spring Gala event on May 15, 2014. Click HERE to learn more about the event and the Green Chimneys organization.
You'll Never Get Rich (Rita Hayworth & Fred Astaire);
Hollywood Series, 2012;
pastel on paper