After over three years, today I finally got an improvised studio set up at my boyfriend's place. I'm convinced that the reason I cannot possibly follow a football game on tv is because of my very visual nature of perception. I cannot locate, nor is it visibly stimulating for me to find the damn football. It's brown. Make it fuchsia, or some other stand out color, and maybe I'll try. But, ultimately, my eyes (and curiosity) can't help but focus on other visually interesting things, like... the coach's tiny little plastic baggie that covers the microphone on his headset, or the fact that some players wear long sleeve, some short, or wonder why there's a mouthpiece stuffed into the grill of some player's helmet. It's just too much. So many distractions, so many interesting things to look at, not to mention the colorful uniforms and the numerous graphics strewn all across the screen. How can anyone expect me to follow this game, which is complicated already in and of itself?
Luckily, I was smart enough to pack up a couple of works in progress and all my pastel supplies to bring to my boyfriend's house while he is 100% dedicated to watching the playoffs. And so, finally, after over three years I finally have a place to create while the music plays, the fire roars, and the game is on tv in the background. Finally.
Luckily, I was smart enough to pack up a couple of works in progress and all my pastel supplies to bring to my boyfriend's house while he is 100% dedicated to watching the playoffs. And so, finally, after over three years I finally have a place to create while the music plays, the fire roars, and the game is on tv in the background. Finally.